Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Step 1: Materials

You will need:
-large shells (you can probably buy them online or at your local craft store if you don't have access to a beach)
-wicks (craft store)
-wax of your choice (I used soy wax shavings since I live in a dorm and they melt in the microwave)
-bowl or cup for wax
-larger bowl for water to create double boiler effect
-spoon for stirring and pouring
-fragrance (soy doesn't hold on to scent very well, but I added some vanilla and lavender to different batches and it still smelled nice)

Step 2: Prepare shells

My shells were straight from the beach and still had sand in them.  Wash them thoroughly and dry them very well.  If there is water under the wax when you pour it in, the wax might not stay in the shell.

Step 3: Melt wax

This part is mostly trial and error.  For the soy wax shavings, I filled the cup with them and filled the larger bowl with water and microwaved it for 1 minute at a time until the wax had melted into liquid.
Follow the directions for whatever kind of wax you use.  Some may not be able to melt in the microwave.
Once it is mostly melted, I used the spoon to stir until all the checks were dissolved and to cool the wax slightly.

Step 4: Set wicks

Set your wicks in the shells wherever you want them, preferably in the deepest part of the shell for maximum burning time.  Don't trim the wicks yet.

Step 5: Pour the wax

On a protected work surface, carefully pour the wax into the shells.  It helps if you have the liquid wax in a cup with a spout to better direct the pouring.  I just had it in a mug and it spilled a lot.  This step helps to have a friend hold the shells steady or prop them on something since the bases are not completely flat.



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