Friday, July 3, 2015

You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. –Paul Sweeney
What’s the last book that moved you? That made you laugh or cry or completely reconsider your thoughts on life or love? Those are always the books that stick with me. When I come across a book that truly impacted me I can often remember the intricate details of where I bought it or who gave it to me. Sometimes when I’m in a certain mood, reading a favorite book can help heighten the depth of emotion. Here are a few great books and the perfect kind of mood to read them in.

1. When it’s late at night and you want to go on a dark, twisted journey.


Magpie” – Michael James

2. When you want to buy a one way ticket and never look back.


“The Lost Girls” – Jennifer Baggett, Holly C. Corbett, Amanda Pressner.

3. When you hate everyone in your family.


“Another Bullshit Night In Suck City” – Nick Flynn

4. When it feels like no one understands you.


 “The Opposite Of Loneliness: Essays and Stories” – Marina Keegan

5. When you’re not sure if you’re doing that great at this whole adult thing.


“How Should A Person Be?” – Sheila Heti

6. When you’re waiting for that person to text you back but they haven’t texted back and now you’re re-examining everything.


“Looking For Alaska” – John Green

7. When there’s a soft rain outside and you’re all introspective about life and love.

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“Things To Shout Out Loud At Parties” – Markus Almond

8. When you’re thinking of saying “fuck it” and wandering off into the Alaskan wilderness like some type of modern day Thoreau.


“Into The Wild” – Jon Krakauer

9. When it feels like no one else has ever felt alone as you feel right now.


“You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense” – Charles Bukowski

10. When your day job fucking sucks and you want to figure out how to do something, anything else with your life.

“The Obstacle Is The Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph” – Ryan Holiday

 11. When you’re questioning absolutely everything right now.


“What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions” – Randall Munroe

 12. When all you want is your best friend.


“Truth And Beauty: A Friendship” – Ann Patchett




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