Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wilkes captures the visual gradience of time, from sunrise to sunset, in a single image.

Pont de la Tournelle, Paris


Coney Island, Brooklyn

While one end is shrouded in darkness, lit only by a few sources of artificial light, the other is bright and sunny, filled with a natural warmth.


Union Square, NYC

Each half of the image has its own energy, balancing the other's light and shadows.


Park Avenue, NYC


Wrigley Field, Chicago

Though there's a great visual difference between the separate sides of any given composite, Wilkes manages to create a seamless transition.


Flatiron, NYC


Presidential Inauguration, Washington, D.C.

He takes approximately 1,500 shots over the course of 12-15 hours, without a single bathroom break.


Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade


Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, NYC

The photographer doesn't even leave his post to eat. Instead, he waits in his overhead position as meals are brought up to him in a bucket.


Western Wall, Jerusalem


Santa Monica Pier, CA

He is careful to keep an eye on the activity happening below, making sure to photograph the changing landscape…


High Line, NYC

NYC Public Library

While also capturing a controlled shot of the setting when it's completely empty—what he calls "the naked plate."

Gramercy Park, NYC

Times Square, New Years Eve

It is on this "naked plate" that Wilkes adds details from the other shots he's taken throughout the day.


View from The Savoy

America's Cup, San Francisco

In the end, only about 50 of photos are used to create each composite shot.


Washington Square, NYC



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