Monday, June 22, 2015

Ritesh has been photographing for about four years now and his photographic interests have varied from nature and landscapes to street photography. You can see his photography on Flickr.
Artists around the world have long been inspired by the works of Old Masters like Rembrandt, Raphael and Vermeer. Emulating their style has never been easy, especially in photography. When Australian photographer Bill Gekas wanted to recreate the style through his photographs, he chose to feature his five-year-old daughter as the subject.
These images of his daughter, named Athena, take you a couple of centuries back in time. Careful planning goes into each photograph with utmost attention to the details like costume, props, and the lighting so as to remain faithful to the style and the era. Bill deserves appreciation not just for the idea and its flawless execution but also for the excellent post processing work that creates magical artwork. Athena deserves as much appreciation for being an adorable subject who poses beautifully in each of the images.
Here is some of their work. Sit back, enjoy the wonderful photos, and smile. (All images © Bill Gekas Photography)

Bill Gekas (1)
 Bill Gekas (2)
Bill Gekas (3)
Bill Gekas (24)
Bill Gekas (4)
Bill Gekas (5)
Bill Gekas (6)
Bill Gekas (7)
Bill Gekas (8)
Bill Gekas (13)
Bill Gekas (12)
Bill Gekas (11)
Bill Gekas (10)
Bill Gekas (14)
Bill Gekas (15)
Bill Gekas (16)
Bill Gekas (17)
Bill Gekas (22)
Bill Gekas (23)
Bill Gekas (20)
Bill Gekas (21)
Bill Gekas (18)
Bill Gekas (9)
Bill Gekas (19)



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